
Does It Really Matter What Happened to the Suit?

(Haspiel’s Spider-Man) It’s a mystery. But it’s only a minor mystery: the evidence for that is how long it took any one to answer the question. On the occasion of Spider-Man’s 50th anniversary, do we get more than a minor footnote, little more than an errata, and the convenience of a short story in a […]


Gaelic at the End of the World

If you’re interested in Scottish Gaelic (which the Scots pronounce Gallic), a Celtic language closely related to Irish Gaelic, be prepared for a world of misconceptions. When I first picked up a Scottish Gaelic dictionary, I was twelve years old and had convinced my sister to smuggle me into her college library. That was the […]


Comics That Punch You in The Face 2: NEVSKY by Ben McCool and Mario Guevara

We are living in an era of increased media tie-ins between comics and film, comics and merchandise, and comics with digital meta-texts. This isn’t a new pattern, but the exact routes of cultural transmission are becoming more complex and the ways in which a film may stem from a comic and eventually return to a […]


Leaping Tall Buildings @Jim Hanley’s Universe, July 25, 2012

I had the good fortune to attend one of the most entertaining panels I’ve yet seen, bringing together a range of comics professionals who were featured in the new photo-essay comics history book Leaping Tall Buildings by Christopher Irving and Seth Kushner. Chris Claremont, Larry Hama, Dean Haspiel, Kevin Colden, Simon Fraser, Matt Madden, and […]